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Gym 1RM Calculator

The calculator helps estimate people's one rep max based on a set that they have already done to failure. The estimation is based on the average of multiple formulas created by professional trainers. The user has the ability to disable some of the formulas. They can also convert from Kg to lbs.
Password Generator

The password generator lets the user generate a password based on the imputed parameters. It is generated locally so the password is unlikely to be intercepted. The password can be as long as the user's computer can handle. If too long to fit on the page it will be downloaded as a txt file.
Local Keylogger

The keylogger is a tool written in Python meant to track every key pressed by the user. It is kept local for security reasons. It is meant to be used as a tool that can help the user potentially close in on the source of a problem.
IMportant Event countdown

Event Countdown is a website that counts down important events in my life. Once an event passes it is automatically swapped with a later event that has yet to come. My friends often use it to check for the next day we have off.
Youtube Video Downloader

Youtube Downloader was made when I was sick of online Youtube to mp4 convertors breaking or just being slow. The program lets you input a Youtube file and asks if you would like it to be downloaded as an audio or video file.
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