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Ethicality OF AI Research Paper


In the recent heightened coverage of AI, there have been many debates about whether it is ethical or even worth it. In an article from Suzy Weiss, the author discusses that students are not motivated to do their work and would rather cheat. Some people argue that it is hurting students because many students would instead use something like chatGPT to do their homework instead of learning the topic. Others argue that AI will be a great tool in helping society advance even further. There is an article from the publisher Springer that goes over how AI can speed up research on dementia. Another article from Springer describes how AI has the potential to enhance the education of students by giving teachers the ability to focus on more important things. The American Meteorological Society wrote a paper on how AI is improving weather forecasts and how those weather forecasts are helping people. There seems to be overwhelming evidence that society will overall benefit from the recent introduction of AI.

A common concern of AI is that it will stop kids from learning because they would rather cheat. These concerns do have some validity to them because in recent times cheating has gone rampant due to COVID incorporating technology into education. According to Weiss, “Students texted each other answers” (Weiss 4) instead of attempting the work themselves. Students tend to take the easier way out when it comes to their work. But when it comes to students using things like AI to do their homework it isn't bad because they are just using the resource available to them like they would in the workforce and adult life. There isn't anything wrong with students using AI to assist themselves as it is useful tool. There isn't a reason for students to be learning in a way that won't be realistic to how they use their skills in the real world.

AI has been a great tool in recent times for accelerating research by analyzing data. According to a paper published by Springer, researchers have been using AI to become more efficient in their search for a cure. AI can “clarify our understanding of the causality and commonality of dementia risk factors” (Ranson et al.) in ways that haven't always been able to. The acceleration of dementia research will save lives and families, without AI more people might have to live through dementia or lose family to it before a cure for the disease is found. The involvement of AI in the analysis of data on dementia has hastened research in many studies. These new methods involving AI “outperform traditional approaches when compared head-to-head” (Ranson et al.). AI is capable of parsing through the data faster than we used to be capable of, helping researchers find out what gene might cause something like Alzheimer's to occur. By finding out what gene or genes are the cause it would be possible to find out who is susceptible to it.

It has also been seen that AI has the potential to strengthen the education of students, especially when it comes to teaching kids about STEM. It could replace human interaction when the role is minor. AI could possibly be utilized as an “educational robot… for small-scale STEM learning” (Xu, Ouyang). So AI is especially useful in education when it comes to trivial tasks where a human would be better off spending their time somewhere else. The teacher could be helping the students with more complex ideas or in areas where social skills are required that the AI lacks. If the student had a problem with something outside of the class that was personal the the teacher would be more suitable to help the student. In trials, it was found that “AI can free instructors from redundant tasks in STEM education” (Xu, Ouyang). This is greatly beneficial for educators because they won't have to waste their time doing things that could be automated by technology and instead they could be doing more important things in the classroom. This would ultimately enrich students’ education in the process because they would get greater attention from their teachers.

Classrooms could greatly benefit from the incorporation of technology because of all the areas where they can be automated. An example where a classroom could be automated so that the teacher doesn’t have to do the task is attendance. In classrooms “the process of attendance recognition is often automated based on facial identification technologies” (Dimitriadou, Lanitis) so that instructors can move on teaching their students quicker. AI is used to recognize the face of each student and log their attendance quicker than a human would. This is far better than what teachers normally have to do which is to get all the kids to stay still while they check who is the in the classroom and who isn't, taking up valuable time. The main goal of automation using AI would be so that the students are learning as efficiently as possible, every minute spent by the teacher completing a simple and tedious task is a minute that the student's aren’t learning. Some classrooms have even added robots to their classes for the kids to interact with. Robots have been seen to add “Enhanced Interactivity, including immersive experiences” (Dimitriadou, Lanitis)  to the classroom. The paper from Springer that addresses the effects of incorporating AI into the classroom, heavily stresses that teachers need training. If the teachers do not know how to effectively use the technology the students will not be able to reap the full benefits of the technology.

A big limiting factor of weather forecasting is the amount of data that can be processed. A small fraction of the data available is processed and accounted for when forecasting the weather due to how demanding it is to compute. Due to recent advancements in AI, a greater amount of data could be accounted for when making predictions. The implementation of AI to crunch more data will create “increasingly more accurate data assimilation and forecast systems”(American Meteorological Society). By incorporating AI into weather forecasting society would get to enjoy much more accurate weather reports. Accurate weather reports are also more than just convenient, to some people knowing the upcoming weather is crucial to their jobs. Users like “pilots to emergency planners to farmers”(American Meteorological Society) increase the demand for accurate weather forecasts because of how crucial their jobs are and how important weather forecasts are to their jobs. Since everyone relies on these infrastructure workers everyone benefits from the advancement and implementation of AI.

AI will be slightly controversial for a while but will eventually be accepted because of how much society will benefit from it. It has given scientists the ability to parse and analyze data at record speeds. Society benefits as a whole from this because this means that the world will now advance faster now that scientists have access to this tool. Education will also improve because teachers won't have to waste their time with tedious tasks anymore and can spend their time on more important things. It is important to not reject AI because it might be scary because all it really is, is a powerful tool that will help society advance.


Dimitriadou, Eleni, and Andreas Lanitis. “A Critical Evaluation, Challenges, and Future Perspectives of Using Artificial Intelligence and Emerging Technologies in Smart Classrooms - Smart Learning Environments.” SpringerOpen, 6 Feb. 2023,

Ranson, Janice M., et al. “Harnessing the Potential of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence for Dementia Research - Brain Informatics.” SpringerOpen, 24 Feb. 2023,

"Realizing the Benefits of AI across the Numerical Weather Prediction Value Chain." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, vol. 101, no. 1, Jan. 2020, pp. 29+. Gale Academic OneFile,

Xu, Weiqi, and Fan Ouyang. “The Application of AI Technologies in STEM Education: A Systematic Review from 2011 to 2021 - International Journal of STEM Education.” SpringerOpen, 19 Sept. 2022,

TheFP. “Dishonor Code: What Happens When Cheating Becomes the Norm?” Https://Www.Thefp.Com/, 28 Feb. 2023,

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